Love & Understanding

with John Driggs


You are a remarkable fact of existence, a truly awe-inspiring creature. If you didn’t know that already, let me hold up a mirror so you can see your reflection clearly, so you can see for yourself the miracle that you are.

I want you to understand yourself, to appreciate yourself, to love and care for yourself. I want you to embody yourself fully, to live authentically from your own heart.

I want you to be happy, to be free from suffering.

I wish you a lasting peace,



John Driggs

The host of Love & Understanding, John Driggs, is interested in wisdom. He wants to build a personal and secular spiritual life, one that is grounded in honesty, science, reason, introspection, and contemplation.

In Love & Understanding, John explores and discusses ancient wisdom traditions, moral philosophy, epistemology, meditation and contemplative practices, the nature of consciousness, the life and physical sciences, psychology, psychotherapy, art, poetry, literature, society, politics, education, and many more topics.

Please join him on his journey to bring more love and understanding into the world.